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#Genocost 2019 Join the Movement worldwide

This year will be the 7th commemoration of the #Genocost . Please take a stand for the millions of Congolese who died in Congo wars. Join us and others across the world to show that their lives mattered, to say that they won’t be forgotten. On August 2nd, you can:

  • light your own candle and share it with the world, using #Genocost
  • change your social media profile picture to the #Genocost candle of hope (attached in this email)

If you are in London, Nottingham, Toronto and Cape Town, please come for a commemoration service on Saturday 3rd August 2019. There will be a remembrance ceremony, talks, food, fundraising, music, and networking. You can confirm your attendance and find out more details about each service following the links below.

·         London: Eventbrite page & Facebook Event page

·         Nottingham: Facebook Event Page

·         Toronto: The Kcope booking page

  • Cape Town: Iziko South African National Museum Cape Town

Thank you, and we look forward to engaging with you (online and in-person) in the coming days

Genocost s’implante à Paris

L’equipe du CAYP a Congo na Paris pour la campagne du Genocost.

Genocost s’implante à Paris, et pour son lancement, nous avons été à la rencontre des Congolais lors de la conférence de Congo na Paris Cette participation a été une grande réussite; Riche en rencontres et en échanges

Merci à tout les participants qui sont venus à notre rencontre.
Restez connectés sur notre pages pour les évènements à venir.

Gellerie photo de Congo Na Paris

Geno-Cost 2018


Every 2nd August we remember the lives we lost in Congo. We encourage every Congolese and friends of Congo across the world to share a candle of hope through social network using #Genocost

Chaque 2 Août, vous êtes invité à rejoindre la communauté congolaise à travers le monde pour participer à la Journée Commémorative du Génocide Congolais.

Nous aimerions encourager nos sympathisants à travers le monde, à nous rejoindre en observant une minute de silence mais aussi en partageant une bougie d’espoir sur la toile. Veuillez SVP soutenir notre action sur les réseaux sociaux en utilisant l’hashtag #Genocost.

This event is open to everyone, so you are warmly welcome to join.

This year we will also gather on Saturday August 4th in London, UK and Toronto, Canada for an evening of remembrance, reflection, and a moment of silence to pay respect to the people we have lost due to Congo’s long history of war and genocides. This will be a free and family-friendly event that will include performances, talks and food.

Genocost in Toronto


If you would like to get involved and help on the day, please email: congoyouthuk@gmail.com

RSVP on our Event Brite